How to make a fat EDM Bigroom Lead (for your drop) in Spire?
How to make a fat EDM Bigroom Lead for your drop in Spire?

Here is our step by step instruction:

  • Set OSC 1 volume to 500, use default saw wave and fine-tune it +15 cents.
  • Set detune to 800, wideness to max and activate 8 voices.
  • Do the same with OSC 2, but fine-tune it -15 cents.
  • Do the same with OSC 3 without fine-tuning.

  • Increase release of ENV 1 a bit.
  • Go to ENV 2 and add OSC 1 pitch and OSC 2 pitch as mod sources. Set both amounts to 800.
  • Set all faders to zero and the decay to about 80.
  • Go to ENV 4, add OSC 3 pitch as mod source 1 and set the amount to 200.
  • Set all faderes to zero and decay to 270.

  • Change the mod source of ENV 3 to cutoff 2 and decrease the amount to 800.
  • Add infect BP2 to FILTER 1 and set cut 1 to 600 and res 1 to 300.
  • Add perfecto LP4 to FILTER 2 and set cut 1 to 1000.
  • Set X-COMP to 135.

  • Set SHAPER mode to tube 3 and increase dry/wet and drive to 300.
  • Change low & high cut to 500.
  • Activate EQ and set level of hi eq to max, freq to 630 and q to 370.
  • Increase mid eq level to 600.

  • Activate plate 1 REVERB.
  • Increase dry/wet to 320 and predealy to 200.
  • Set Damp to 350.